發表時間:2016-10-04     閱讀(dú)次數:     字體(tǐ):【大(dà) 】 來(lái)源:

邀請(qǐng)英國(guó)警察樂隊鼓手Stewart Copeland與崔健合作(zuò),參與崔健“滾動30周年(nián)”演唱會并擔任演出嘉賓。

In Oct. 2016, we had cooperation with Cui Jian who had a great concert in Beijng Worker Stadium, we organized his show with Stewart Copeland (the Police Band) as a guest in his concert in Beijng Woker Stadium. After several rehearsals , they played a song of The Police called “ message in the bottle” in his concert in front of 40,000 fans.

上一篇:Eugenio Finardi首次中國(guó)巡演
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