Eugenio Finardi首次中國(guó)巡演
發表時間:2016-06-13     閱讀(dú)次數:     字體(tǐ):【大(dà) 】 來(lái)源:

我們在北京愚公移山(shān)劇(jù)院舉辦了首屆Eugenio Finardi音樂會和音樂沙龍,意大(dà)利大(dà)使Stefania Stafutti出席活動。

In JUN. 2016, we organized the first China concert of Eugenio Finardi at Yugongyishan Theatre, Beijing. During the show hundreds of his Italian fans who lives in Beijing came to the show, especially the counsellor, Prof. Stefania Stafutti, of Italy Embassy came to the show as a special audience.

In addition, a salon of Chinese and Italian music was also arranged by us.

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